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Jeff Nachtigal, Training Coordinator / Executive Producer, News; Crystal Fincher, 5th Estate host with guest Brianna Thomas; Macland Njagi, Seattle Central College student

Two years ago, the Federal Communications Commission approved KVRU’s license and we began broadcasting locally created programs. Here are some highlights from the past two years:
  • Broadcasting and streaming worldwide – programs from diverse communities and organizations
  • 10,000 volunteer hours by artists, journalists, educators, and students
  • Public service announcements in Amharic, Cantonese, Mandarin, Oromo, Somali, Spanish, Tagalog, Tigrinya and Vietnamese
  • Production training classes for dozens of people in the community
  • $92,000 raised in program and operating grants.

On-Air Fund Drive

On October 5 & 6, KVRU will be conducting its first on-air fund drive. Your support will help us become a sustainable asset for your community.